
You are not alone! We are those who refuse to skim across the surface of faith. We have hearts for—deep water, deep woods, deep space, deep thoughts, deep conversation. I write for all who have been unsettled from comfortable places and moved to follow Jesus into the adventure of our times. Hebrews 10:39.

Writer. Speaker. Disturber of hobbits.
Making comfortable Christians continually late for dinner.
Part-time giant-slayer. Not available for children's parties.

From the Blog

  • Some Dreams Must Die

    There are drugs we take that heal us and other drugs that destroy us. Not every drug is for our benefit. Go ask, Alice. She’ll testify. Knowing this, we understand the need for discernment and caution when drugs are offered, even from those who have our best interest at heart. The same can be said for dreams. We live in a dreamy culture. On any given night (or TED talk, or awards show), we can listen to someone encourage us, urge us, compel us to hold onto our dreams come what may. Pursue your dreams at all cost, they’ll preach… Read More

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